Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Nicholas Haysom said South Sudan stands at a crossroad and urged the leaders to respect the will of the people and conduct free, fair, and credible elections at the end of the transitional period in December this year for the country to transition to a democratic state.
In a press briefing on the day marking the World Radio Day in Juba, Haysom said 90 percent of South Sudanese want the election to take place as scheduled, giving no way for another postponement.
“South Sudan is at a crossroad,” Haysom said. “This country can now choose a path that gives people the opportunity to participate in peaceful and credible elections. And there are strong indications that South Sudanese want elections. Around 90% of people interviewed in an UNMISS Perception Survey said that elections are important to them, and they intend to vote. Civil society and academics are also advocating for this outcome,” he added.
According to Haysom, the view of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has always been that elections can be held in December, but only if the country’s leaders take urgent action to overcome key obstacles, notably, the establishment of a hybrid court to try cases of human rights abuses allegedly committed during the 2013 and 2016 armed conflicts in the country, among others.
He said his previous remarks regarding the capacity of the country to host elections related directly to the conditions that within applicable and the failure to properly stand up the institutions that are necessary and which we now see being established.
“As we pause here decisions are needed on the type of elections to be held. Consensus must be reached on a realistic electoral calendar, taking into account operational, logistical, legal, and security issues. Transitional Security Arrangements must be finalized, an electoral security plan must be agreed, and the Necessary Unified Forces deployed to provide a secure environment,” he asserted.
On the growing sub-national conflicts in the country, the UNMISS’ boss said intervention is needed at the highest level to resolve tensions in northern Unity between the SPPDF and SPLA-IO as well as the inter-communal violence in pockets of the country, and in the fragile situation interface between Dinka Twic, Ngok Dinka, and Nuer communities in Warrap and Abyei.
He said the conflict is causing real harm to communities as well as inhibiting an environment of open political competition, which would be a vital part of a healthy democracy.
“While UNMISS is doing all it can to mitigate the effects of violence in Warrap. Our sister mission, UNISFA, is doing the same in Abyei, where two peacekeepers were killed recently while protecting and rescuing injured civilians. UNISFA is also sheltering 2000 displaced people in its bases because of the volatility of the situation,” he stressed.
“It is encouraging to see meetings on this issue between President Kiir and First Vice President Machar, and the key stakeholders gathering for high-level dialogues in Juba this week. Solutions are urgently needed,” he added.
Status of refugees and returnees fleeing Sudan’s conflict
Nicholas Haysom disclosed that the UN family was intensively engaging in coordination with the South Sudanese government, on the issue of refugees and returnees fleeing the violence in Sudan.
He said the impact of this conflict is being felt across the Horn of Africa and requires our full engagement to mitigate its humanitarian consequences and even to end the war.
“It also highlights the grave danger of multiple armies occupying the same geographic space and places a premium on the need to fully implement transitional security arrangements here in South Sudan. This is why UNMISS is actively assisting the Joint Defense Board by providing logistical support, transport to training centres, and assisting with security sector reform wherever asked,” he urged.